Information about the project

The main goal of the project was to increase the number of visitors in Latgale region by improving natural sites and implementing innovative educational methods, as well as raising awareness about local nature and environmental protection. Ludza municipality is proud enchanting landscapes and beautiful lakes. In order to achieve the goal, it was necessary to enhance Ludza Park as a natural attraction for tourists, systematise information about nature tourism offerings, and educate the society on environmental protection.

Project details:

  • Project number: LV-RU-030
  • Implementation period: July 1, 2019 – April 30, 2023
  • Total budget: 321,073.06 €
  • EU co-financing: 288,965.75 €
  • Ludza Municipality’s budget for the project: 270,324.00 € (90% co-financed by the EU, i.e., 243,291.60 €; state budget funding: 13,516.20 €; municipal contribution: 13,516.20 €)

Activities carried out within the project:

  1. On December 10, 2019, Ludza Municipality organised a seminar for biology, chemistry, and natural science teachers from Ludza schools and other specialists. The seminar was led by experts from the Latvian Nature Museum.
  2. Eighteen workshops were organised for Ludza students (conducted by specialists from Ludza Library and Ludza Museum).
  3. On January 26-27, 2022, an online seminar covered topics such as “Specially Protected Areas – Eco-Education, Tourism, and Public Health,” “Nature Exploration and Research Process,” “Local and Invasive Species of Latvian Flora and Fauna,” and “Spanish Slug – What It Is and How to Limit Its Spread.”
  4. An outdoor classroom was created in Ludza Park, and pathways were renovated.
  5. Fifteen informational plaques by trees and 3 playing stands were installed in Ludza Park.
  6. An interactive digital display was set up to provide information about Latgale region’s nature in Latvian, English, and Russian.

A brochure titled “Nature Trails in Ludza municipality” was published for enthusiasts of an active lifestyle and nature exploration.