Common crane

Size: It is 100–130 cm long with a 180–240 cm wingspan. The body weight can range from 3 to 6.1 kg.

Vocalisations: It has a loud trumpeting call, given in flight and display. The call is piercing and can be heard from a considerable distance.

Habitat: In Latvia, it breeds in marshy wetlands, bogs or small lakes.

Behaviour: It largely eats plant matter, including roots, rhizomes, tubers, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds. They also commonly eat, when available, pond-weeds, heath berries, peas, potatoes, acorns. This species displays indefinite monogamous pair bonds. The dancing of common cranes has complex, social meanings and may occur at almost any time of year. Dancing may include bobs, bows, pirouettes, and stops, as in various crane species. The clutch of the common crane usually contains two eggs. It is a migratory bird. Flocks of up to 400 birds may be seen flying together during migration.

Interesting facts: Cranes never perch on tree branches, this is due to the structure of the leg, which prevents it from grasping the branch. Cranes are monogamous and live their entire lives with one partner. However, if the birds do not have chicks for a long time, they separate and look for a new partner.

Photo: Māris Kreicbergs