Common egret

Common egret (great egret, large egret, great white egret or great white heron)

Size: Standing up to 1 m tall, this species can measure 80 to 104 cm in length with a wingspan of 131 to 170 cm. Body mass can range from 700 to 1,500 g, with an average around 1,000 g.

Habitat: The species breeds in colonies in trees close to large lakes or other extensive wetlands.

Behaviour: Migrates to Latvia at the end of March – in the beginning of April. The common egrets form monogamous couples for a season. When building a nest, the couple shares the work. The male provides the twigs, while the female twists and stacks them. Up to six bluish green eggs are laid at one time. Both sexes incubate the eggs, and the incubation period is 23–26 days.
The great egret forages in shallow water or in drier habitats, feeding mainly on fish, frogs, other amphibians, small mammals (such as mice), and occasionally small reptiles (such as snakes), crustaceans (such as crayfish) and insects (such as crickets and grasshoppers).

Interesting facts: The Great Egret has a slow and steady flight and, its neck is bent in an “S” shape and its legs are stretched straight backwards.
