Common goldeneye
Size: Adult males ranges from 45–51 cm and weigh approximately 1,000 g, while females range from 40–50 cm and weigh approximately 800 g. The common goldeneye has a wingspan of 77-83 cm).
Habitat: They are found in the lakes and rivers of boreal forests.
Behaviour: Natural tree cavities chosen for nest sites include those made by broken limbs and those made by large woodpeckers. The female does all the incubating. Common goldeneyes are diving birds that forage underwater. Year-round, about 32% of their prey is crustaceans, 28% is aquatic insects and 10% is molluscs. It is a migratory bird. In Latvia, there are 360 couples.
Interesting facts: The species is named for its golden-yellow eye.
Photo: pixabay.com