Eurasian marsh harrier

Size: The western marsh harrier is 48 to 56 cm in length, has a wingspan of 115 to 130 cm and a weight of 400 to 650 g in males and 550 to 800 g in females.

Habitat: it is strongly associated with wetland areas, especially those rich in common reed. It can also be met with in a variety of other open habitats, such as farmland and grassland, particularly where these border marshlands.

Behaviour: It feeds on small mammals, small birds, insects, reptiles, and frogs. The ground nest is made of sticks, reeds and grasses. It is usually built in a reedbed, but the species will also nest in arable fields. There are between three and eight eggs in a normal clutch. It is a migratory bird. In Latvia, there are 300-500 couples.

Interesting and important facts: The Eurasian marsh harrier is a specially protected bird species and is included in the Latvian Red Data Book.

Photo:Māris Kreicbergs,