European goldfinch

Size: The average European goldfinch is 12–13 cm long with a wingspan of 21–25 cm and a weight of 14 to 19 g.

Vocalisations: The song is a pleasant silvery twittering.

Habitat: It is found in open, partially wooded lowlands and is a resident in the milder west of its range, but migrates from colder regions.

Behaviour: these small colourful birds are diurnal and cover great distances every day in search of food. They usually feed by hovering from plant to plant and are often seen to feed upside down. When night comes, they roost in groups on tree branches or in thick bushes. European goldfinches are herbivores (granivores). Their preferred food is small seeds such as those from thistles and teasels, but they also take buds, flowers, and the fruits of plants. Insects are also taken when feeding young. European goldfinches are monogamous and form long-lasting pair bonds. The nest is built entirely by the female and is generally completed within a week. The male accompanies the female but does not contribute. The female lays a clutch of 4-6 eggs, which are whitish with reddish-brown speckles.
