Silver Birch /Betula pendula/

Silver birch is a species of the birch family commonly found throughout Latvia. It is a deciduous tree, reaching up to 35 m in height. The bark is white, forming a distinctive, peelable layer. As it ages, the bark develops into a fissured, dark crimson color. Young branches are drooping and smooth. The leaves are entire, rhombic, with serrated margins.

Silver birch is a monoecious plant, meaning it has separate male and female flowers on the same tree. The flowers bloom as the leaves unfold in May. The fruit is a winged nutlet.

The wood of the birch, including the silver birch, is used for veneer and plywood, furniture, firewood, hardware, construction, and various other industries, including tool handles, sports equipment, and medical charcoal production. The birch wood is white, dense, and has a slightly yellowish or reddish tint.

Information sources:, Wikipedia
