White Willow /Salix alba/

White willow, a species of the willow tree family, is commonly found throughout the entire territory of Latvia. Individual specimens and groups grow in diverse locations within the cultural landscape and along water bodies.

This species is easily distinguishable from other willows by its large size and leaves covered in silky hairs, giving them a more or less silvery appearance. White willow is a sizable tree, reaching up to 25 m in height, with a trunk that can attain a considerable diameter. Its growth forms a broad crown. The bark is dark gray and fissured. The branches are slender and gracefully curved. The lanceolate leaves measure 5-10 cm in length and 1-2 cm in width, featuring finely serrated margins and a pointed tip. It blooms in May.

Information sources: https://www.latvijasdaba.lv, Wikipedia

Photo: pixabay.com