![Eurasian lynx](https://nattour.ludzasnovads.lv/storage/app/uploads/public/626/ba8/fd3/thumb_1198_1296_700_0_0_crop.jpg)
Eurasian lynx
They catch ground-nesting birds, hares and roe deer, occasionally kill beavers, wild boar piglets and deer calves, but mainly attack roe deer. Frogs, lizards, voles, squirrels, badgers and even foxes are also killed in hunger strikes. The uneaten food is usually dragged away and hidden for the next meal. It can spend several days without food. The lynx only eats offal in food-insecure conditions. The lynx has a strong hunting instinct, so it does not miss an opportunity to attack even when it is not hungry. When hunting, it tries to get as close to its prey as possible by ambushing, as it can only run fast for short distances.
Inhabits mainly large coniferous and mixed forests (preferably unmanaged) with thick undergrowth, where old trees are interspersed with natural young stands. Prefers large, low-impact woodlands. In very bad weather, lynx hide in caves, hollows or trees.
Important and interesting facts
The main method of hunting is stalking, sneaking and jumping on prey, although they are also ambush predators when conditions are suitable. In winter certain snow conditions make this harder and the animal may be forced to switch to larger prey in Europe. Eurasian lynx hunt using both vision and hearing, and often climb onto high rocks or fallen trees to scan the surrounding area.
It hunts at night or during twilight hours. It can be a rock or a tree. During the day, the lynx sleeps, curled up in its hiding place.
It tends to hide its trails.
Information sources: latvijasdaba.lv, Wikipedia
Photo: pixabay.com